Beyond Walls

Enabling learning beyond walls for transformational results!

In our relentless efforts to positively impact people’s behaviors and organizational goals; we have tried and tested different learning methodologies and philosophies over the years. After focused research and testing we have designed a unique blended learning platform that enables measurable behavioral transformation through continuous learning, practice and guidance.

Why Blended Learning?


Offers self-paced learning, allowing busy professionals to manage their learning pace


Reduces training costs and captures ROI through outcome-based learner activities


Ensures learning retention post a workshop through micro-learning and just-in-time nuggets


Offers self-paced learning, allowing busy professionals to manage their learning pace


Reduces training costs and captures ROI through outcome-based learner activities


Ensures learning retention post a workshop through micro-learning and just-in-time nuggets


Ensures high engagement through gamification and diversity in types of assets used


Aids in continuous learning which is imperative for any kind of behavioural transformation


Provides contextual outcome-based exercises customized as per the org needs


Ensures high engagement through gamification and diversity in types of assets used


Aids in continuous learning which is imperative for any kind of behavioural transformation


Provides contextual outcome-based exercises customized as per the org needs

What makes Beyond Walls Unique?

Driven by Context; not Content
Diverse Types Of Assets Used
Inbuilt Learning Structure
Opportunity For Immediate Practice & Implementation
Digital Platform That Captures The Learner Activity
Just in Time Learning Aids/ Social Learning

70-20-10 Approach to Learning

Assets Used

Short Videos
Powerful Quotes
Polls & Results
Interactive Quiz
Podcast Stories
Photo Sharing
Treasure Hunt

Blended Learning Journeys

Campus to Corporate/ Employee Onboarding

First Time Managers Program

Leadership Excellence Program

Driving Innovation through Design Thinking

Gamified Journey

Pre-work Nugget
Live Session
Daily Nuggets
Action Learning
Pre-work Nugget
Live Session
Daily Nuggets
Action Learning

Connect with us to know more!